Get Moving!

For Parents & Caregivers: Silly songs, rhymes and chants in storytime help children hear and play with language. They build phonemic awareness and vocabulary.
Article: The Value of School Recess and Outdoor Play

Storytime Books:
From Head to Toe
Do Donkeys Dance?
Someone Says


Music CDs:“Reach for the Sky” and “Walking, Walking” Wee Sing Children’s Songs and Fingerplays “Can You Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?” Dance Party “Freeze” Kids in Motion


Wild Animals!

For Parents & Caregivers: Being able to hear the beginning and ending sounds that make up words will help children sound out words when they begin to read. Most children who can "play" with sounds have an easier time learning to read.
Article: Match My Sounds

Storytime Books
Panda Bear, Panda Bear
When the Elephant Walks
My Friend Gorilla


Music CD: "Wimoweh" Whaddaya Think of That?

Jungle Animal Book List

Ahoy There!

For Parents & Caregivers: Children learn letters in stages: 1. the names of letters 2. recognize the shapes of different letters 3. match the letters with their sounds.
Article: Learning Through Water Play

Storytime Books
In 1492
I Love Boats
Sail Away
Come Away from the Water, Shirley


Music CD: "Over the Deep Blue Sea" Come and Make a Circle

Boats Storytime Booklist


For Parents & Caregivers: School readiness skills -- listening and following directions -- are developed during storytimes.
Article: Raising a Reader

Storytime Books
Harry the Dirty Dog
No Bath for Boris
What Next, Baby Bear?


Music CDs: "This Is the Way We Take a Bath" Wee Sing for Baby; "If You Don't Take a Bath" Wave Your Hands; and "Everybody Wash" Splish Splash Bathtime Fun

Bathtime Storytime Booklist